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The following table provides detailed information for the Murrumbidgee Turf Club site:


Acreage 70acres
Trainers 26
Single $125
Horses in work 120
Number of tracks 5
Horses in work 120
Course Proper – Fully Grassed Course Proper – Fully Grassed: Kikuyu
Circumference: 2200m
Length if straight: 420m
Width of straight: 25m
B – Grass B – Grass Circumference: 2000m
Length of straight: 400m
Width of straight: 20m
Training Tracks Fast Sand 1800m x 8
Slow Sand 1501m x 8.8
Pole – Educational Track



Track Conditions


Rating                   Numerical           Description of numerical rating

Firm                       1                        Dry hard track

Firm                       2                        Firm track with

Good                     3                        Track with good grass coverage and cushion

Good                     4                        Track with some give in it

Soft                       5                         Track with a reasonable amount of give in it

Soft                       6                         Moist but not badly affected track

Soft                       7                         More rain-affected track that will chop out

Heavy                    8                        Rain affected track that horses will get into

Heavy                    9                        Wet track getting into a squelchy area

Heavy                   10                       Heaviest category track, very wet, towards saturation

