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Testimonials from our valued customers
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Andrew Smith

Regional Sales Manager



Thursday 8th Aug

The Tooheys Town Plate was incredibly well executed, and I was certainly proud be a part of the event and represent Lion and Tooheys.

The phone calls and text messages I received after our day supports the engagement we had without hoteliers and clubbies and again is a credit to how well the day was organised and ran.

It is truly a credit to the whole organisation on how you present the track, facilities, and racing. I feel there wouldn’t be a single sponsor that wasn’t impressed with the event. Well, done.

Our 20-year partnership is a fantastic achievement of which we are certainly keen to continue for many years to come.

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Bree and Trent

Thursday 8th Aug

We just wanted to reach out today and thank you from the bottom of our hearts. The Champagne Bar was absolutely magical and everything was so perfect.

We have had so many people comment on the professionalism on the bar staff, catering staff,  how punctual everyone was on the night and the 10/10 service all round.

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Siobhan and Will

Tuesday 6th Aug

A massive thank you for everything for the weekend, it went all beautifully and we were very happy!

Everyone commented on how great a venue it was, and caterers did an awesome job!

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Penny Lamont 

Tits & Toggles Committee

Thursday 25th Jul

WOW – What a night! On behalf of the committee, I thank you all most sincerely.

The Tits & Toggles Awareness and Fundraising event has been heralded a huge success.

The wonderful venue and assistance from MTC staff were a tremendous part of that success and is very much appreciated by the organising committee.
